
you looking for low-priced Bessey BPC-34 3/4-Inch H Style Pipe Clamp?

Buy Bessey BPC-34 3/4-Inch H Style Pipe Clamp Shop

before decision to buy, I searches on internet so long time. So I gathered a store that sells Bessey BPC-34 3/4-Inch H Style Pipe Clamp and compare prices to. Some online shops offers me fast shipping.

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Bessey BPC-34 3/4-Inch H Style Pipe Clamp Features

  • H style base prevents clamps from tipping over
  • Crank handle clears work surface when opening and closing the jaw on the clamp
  • 4 soft jaw caps are included to prevent damaging materials being clamped
  • Durable powder coat finish
  • Zinc plated clutch components, black oxide coated threaded spindle

Bessey BPC-34 3/4-Inch H Style Pipe Clamp Overview

The "H" shaped foot assembly stabilizes the clamp in two dimensions giving dual-axis stability to the work piece and industry leading clearance from the work surface. [else][endif] [if
  • H style base prevents clamps from tipping over
  • Crank handle clears work surface when opening and closing the jaw on the clamp
  • 4 soft jaw caps are included to prevent damaging materials being clamped
  • Durable powder coat finish
  • Zinc plated clutch components, black oxide coated threaded spindle

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