
Best Cheap GRIP 34182 Horizontal Toggle Clamp for Welding and Woodworking Online

GRIP 34182 Horizontal Toggle Clamp for Welding and Woodworking

GRIP 34182 Horizontal Toggle Clamp for Welding and Woodworking
The Grip 34182 is a push type toggle clamp that works great for Jig Work or setting up a clamping table. Professional quality Excellent welding accessory with strong holding capacity.

GRIP 34182 Horizontal Toggle Clamp for Welding and Woodworking

  • Feature packed toggle makes clamping your work a breeze
  • Handle Has Rubberized Coating for Additional Grip and Comfort
  • Adjustable Handle Can Be Installed at Either 0º or 45º
  • Rubber-tipped Contact Is Highly Adjustable
  • Quick Release, 500 pound Holding Force, Overall Size 6 1/2" X 4"

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