
you looking for low-priced Shop Fox D2269 Face Frame Clamp?

Discount Shop Fox D2269 Face Frame Clamp Online Store

before decision to buy, I searches on internet so long time. So I gathered a online shop that sells Shop Fox D2269 Face Frame Clamp and compare prices to. Some shops offers me fast shipping.

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Shop Fox D2269 Face Frame Clamp Overview

Clamp stock thickness up to 3/4". Friction jaws hold tight. Unique designs outperform all other clamps for right angle and face frame clamping. Large handles pull joints together easily.

Shop Fox D2269 Face Frame Clamp Specification

  • Autimatic gripping jaws
  • Works like the Right Angle Clamp but the jaws are turned 90 Degrees
  • Made thicker for face frame construction
  • Allows you to work with just one joint at a time
  • Clamps stock up to 1/2"

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